• Our primary objective and mission at QUANTUM OPTIMUM WELLNESS is to analyze and help you discover your personal Wellness Pyramid. This is precisely what we do with our QUANTUM OPTIMUM CHECK-UP personalized assessment program.

    We carry out a scientific, rapid and reproducible analysis of the imbalances present in your body.

  • This analysis will be carried out using multiple tools such as :

    • An online questionnaire on each of the poles of the wellness pyramid.
    • Posture analysis.
    • Palpation of your spine.
    • Muscle tests specific to your problems and your body.
    • Precise radiological analysis.
    • Quantum technologies.
    • Bioenergetic expertise.
  • In just one one-and-a-half-hour session, we can precisely identify all your major dysfunctions and understand your body's weak points.

    This holistic, integrative check-up enables us to quickly highlight the priorities you need to address, saving you time in your therapeutic accompaniment.

    Your transformation will be all the faster at our QUANTUM OPTIMUM WELLNESS center.

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Objectives tailored to your needs and problems


    • Understand your body's needs and provide you with the best information on your problems.
    • Identify and correct the factors at the root of your condition.
    • Rectify associated neurological disorganizations and effectively optimize your nervous system.
    • Strengthen your entire articular and muscular system.
    • Analyze and energize systems related to nutrition, reproduction, immunity and cellular functions.
    • Check your specific vitamin, mineral and trace element requirements.
    • Analyze emotional tensions.
    • Decipher blockages in the circulation of your vital energy.

    Duration of check-up: 1h30

    Practice address: 32A Av Sant Antoni - AD400 LA MASSANA- ANDORRA

    Andorra: +376 68 28 27

    France: +33 7 88 63 06 96

    Optimum Wellness is dedicated to providing you with the best possible service.

    Our aim is to help you explore a new dynamic so that you can naturally achieve and maintain optimal well-being.

    An OPTIMUM team, methods and know-how.

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Optimum check-up brings together the best of today's technologies and know-how

Emerald - laser froid non invasif


This device, based on the principles of quantum medicine, enables analysis of various chemical and organic elements of the body: organs, blood system, metabolism, chemistry, substances (minerals, vitamins, metals...), bone system compounds and other systems.

The system analysis database has been set up using scientific methods and is based on statistics from a large number of clinical cases to achieve a high degree of accuracy.

Fast, precise and non-invasive, the magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of constituent analysis, without however replacing a real medical analysis to ensure an official diagnosis. Emerald is a non-invasive, non-thermal “cold” laser that emits 10 green 532 nm lasers onto the skin to treat hypertrophic adipocytes. The treatment emulsifies adipose tissue and releases excess fat into the interstitial space.

From there, fat passes through the body on its natural detoxification journey through the lymphatic system and is used as fuel for the body.

Emerald offers crucial advances to your clinic in the fight against fat:

  • Completely unattended treatments
  • No side effects or downtime
  • Proven, measurable results
  • The only technology in the industry cleared by the FDA to treat patients with a BMI of +40 overall body circumference.

bio-well camera | quantum device


The GDV-Biowell camera, developed by Prof. Konstantin KOROTKOV, is a revolutionary tool that integrates the findings of quantum physics with the age-old experience of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. It offers a precise, predictive and preventive analysis of your body.

The GDV/Biowell camera uses electro-photonic technology to record the fingerprints of all 10 fingers, capturing the light emitted by the fingers and providing an image that reflects the state of the organs (eyes, nose, throat, thyroid, etc.), biological systems (nervous system, immune system), acupuncture meridians, chakras and aura.

You'll visualize the impact of your emotions, thoughts and lifestyle on your physical, emotional and mental bodies (these devices are not designed to diagnose or treat pathologies or injuries).

The instantaneity and reproducibility of the results obtained make this an exceptionally effective tool. This measuring principle is approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and is an integral part of the arsenal of computerized diagnostic methods.



On the basis of manual muscle testing, it is possible to analyze and visualize the complex movement patterns of the spine, pelvis, shoulders, feet, temporomandibular and mandibulocranial joints, thus directly integrating the effects of correcting foot malposition on leg and spinal axes.

This evaluation system has been studied for over 60 years by the International College of Applied Kinesiology and by various universities and institutes.

Analyse de chiropractie et kinésiologie appliquée professionnelle | axes de la pyramide du wellness


Chiropractic analysis and clinical applied kinesiology, metabolic, emotional and energetic assessment.

Using manual muscle testing and chiropractic techniques, we'll pinpoint the major axes of your wellness pyramid based on structural/postural, metabolic/organic, emotional and energetic factors.


Targeted programs tailored to your needs and based on your organism

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    +376 68 28 27


    +33 7 88 63 06 96

    EMAIL :



    Doctor of Chiropractic and Therapeutic Coach

    Specialised in Neurological and Neuro-Emotional Organisation techniques and mental preparation.


    32A Av Sant Antoni, AD 400

    LA MASSANA, Andorra

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